heart sutra

author name
Yanagisawa Akimasa
work size
24cm × 33cm
Work type
Seal engraving/calligraphy
[Production date] May 2022
[Affiliation] Yanagishokai / Fusoinsha
"Namu" Kokuzo Bodhisattva statue is a tenkoku work, and the Heart Sutra is a work that has been copied with a tenkoku fine brush.
The paper is a refined silk fabric that is satin-woven using raw silk called nume, and the fabric is thin, smooth and glossy.
Three layers of gold powder were applied to stop the ink from bleeding too much.
As for the brush, there is a brush called a copying brush for copying sutras, but I didn't dare to use it, and I used a small brush with an unstable tip to express the changes in the line in a variety of ways.
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